Mangold 2020 Campaign

Lee Mangold is a Progressive Democrat that first ran for the Florida House District 28 seat in 2018, and again in 2020. I joined their campaign in the Spring of 2020, offering my graphics skills to support their communication efforts. Here you will find an expansive outline of the work that I was able to do during my time with them.

Social Media

Facebook Cover Art

prof pic-03 opt.png

Facebook Photo Frame

A shareable photo frame that supporters can overlay onto their profile pictures in the days leading up to the election, acting as a virtual yard sign, indicating to their friends and family that this is a person worth supporting.

Digital Advertisements

For our advertising effort, we decided to create a set of Facebook ads targeting different voter blocs in our district. We knew in order to save time drafting all of the various ads we would need in order to target our key demographics, we would have to develop a basic template that could be adapted depending on the message.

After landing on the style above, with some exceptions, I was able to swap out photos, keywords, and color themes to create a variety of ads that could be personalized to individual voters.

Campaign Platform Posts

On Lee’s website, we had a short list of issues that were going to be his top priorities as a Florida House Representative. Getting this information in front of registered democrats was paramount to persuading them to support us in the primary and beyond.

Knowing that many low-turnout voters were not going to actively seek out our website and peruse the issues page, we made a plan to highlight one issue per week by sharing news articles, creating our own newsletter on each topic, and posting these easy-to-follow graphics which had the same language as our website, but were now being put in front of the voters on the social media platform of their choice, and could be shared to their friends and followers.

Formatted for Twitter

 Formatted for Facebook

 Formatted for Instagram


Playlist Cover Art

This one was more of a pet project for me, to create artwork for our internal Spotify playlist that we shared among staff and volunteers. Because it wasn’t being broadcasted out to our audience, I was able to have a little more fun with this design.

Print Design


Election Day Mailer

This mailer went out several days before the primary election day to democrats who historically vote on the last day. After receiving positive feedback for our "Here for our community” Facebook ad, we decided to resize the original design to fit a 6” x 4” card. With the added vertical space, we were able to move the logo to a position with higher contrast, which becomes increasingly important switching to print.


Election Day Mailer (Reverse Side)

Since it’s not as simple to redirect our viewer to a webpage with this medium as it is with a digital ad, it was necessary to include more details on our candidate on the reverse side. Additionally, we had recently gained a few more major endorsements, so those are prominently featured in the bottom panel and quoted at the top.


Print Advertisement

We didn’t do a lot of print advertising through the duration of this campaign—a quality that most modern campaigns share. After purchasing a seat at a local gala that unfortunately never took place due to complications from Covid-19, we were gifted with a quarter-page ad space in a booklet that was supposed to be distributed at the event, but was instead mailed out to ticket-holders. This turned out to be to our advantage as it was in-affect a prepaid, unplanned mailer for us to get in front of politically involved locals.

Canvassing Literature Sticky Notes

Canvassing is one of the most effective forms of outreach that a grassroots campaign can utilize; however, there are clear issues with implementing this tool in the midst of a pandemic. In a normal election year, volunteers would carry around literature with information about their candidate that be handed to voters or left at their door.

To mitigate the risk involved with sending volunteers to voters’ homes, knocking on their doors, and speaking face-to-face with them, we chose to forego this practice with a stripped-down “literature drop” effort, basically leaving the literature at front doors without ever interacting with residents.

Usually literature comes in the form of a leaflet or a door hanger. We went with a less traditional route and had this graphic printed on large Post-it® Notes that could be peeled off a pad and stuck to our voters’ doors. Not only did this make our volunteers’ job easier (carrying around a stack of loose paper can be tricky when you’re on the move), but it made our literature stand out from the other pieces of card stock that our audience is used to having wedged into their doorframe several times over the course of an election cycle.

2020 campaign cover copy.png

Mama Tista's Menu Brochure


The Sandspur Illustrations